Embrace IVC tool ready to use!
Framework of the Embrace project
Embrace project idea and aims
Job Profiles of the Agri-Food Sector
EMBRACE project aims at improving the opportunities and access to the European labour market for immigrants recently arrived from countries outside the EU. Often immigrants arrive without any documental evidence of their previous studies or professional experience. And even if they possess them they cannot be validated because in EU countries there hardly exist any instruments for the validation and certification of skills and competences of immigrants which hinders their labour market integration. Moreover, the tools currently used for this purpose do not take into consideration personal histories, cultures and professional experiences gained in productive systems different from the European one.
To fill this gap EMBRACE will develop:
EMBRACE focuses on the food and agribusiness (production, transformation and distribution) because this is the main occupation held by immigrants in their country of origin and at the same time the workforce in the EU needed by this sector is not always covered by local offer. Although it is characterized by technological gaps, it is a sector present both in the country of origin and in the one of destination.
The expected result of the project is the creation of a transnational methodology for the validation of non-formal and informal competencies of immigrants with the ambitious aim to see these results recognised at a European level and contribute this way to the construction of a common reference framework.
The project will be run from September 1st 2016 till August 31st 2019.
This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.